Even our cars could use TLC

It wasn’t until I had to change over cars that I realized how much it needed to be cleaned out. I vacuum the interiors pretty regularly; I didn’t look closely into the pockets between the … Continue reading
It wasn’t until I had to change over cars that I realized how much it needed to be cleaned out. I vacuum the interiors pretty regularly; I didn’t look closely into the pockets between the … Continue reading
Yes, packing and moving is not without stress. As I was packing up for my move, I kept finding things I had been looking for a long while. Or found things that I couldn’t figure … Continue reading
I always keep a spare laptop charger in my suitcase, in case I need to bring my laptop. I didn’t buy a laptop charger specifically for this. I left my charger in another state and … Continue reading
Home decor changes as taste changes. That means that photo on display should also change as the family gets bigger or new photos are added from holidays get togethers or other happy occasions. Sometimes with … Continue reading
What started off as a simple project going into the Apple store to replace the battery in my phone turned into needing to get a new phone because it was not an option to replace … Continue reading
Boxing day was on December 26, a holiday celebrated after Christmas Day when historically, the upper class regift unwanted gifts to the poor. Today Boxing Day is equivalent to a shopping holiday.* Oftentimes we get … Continue reading
I recently worked with Rosemary* to help decorate her home for Christmas. In the span of her children’s lives, the family moved three or four times. Decor changed in each new home to accommodate different … Continue reading
Eleven to thirteen inches in diameter! “Since 1960 the overall surface area of an average dinner plate has increased 36 percent. The average dinner plate we commonly use today measures 11 or 12 inches across. … Continue reading
Yes, pet toys are cute to buy or give as gifts. Pets, like children, can get overwhelmed by the overabundance of toys and clothes. Pets, like children, do have favorites as well. If you’re finding … Continue reading
I recently worked with a client, virtually, who mentioned that she’s good about filling up bags to donate/give away. What is challenging is getting the bags into the car to drop-off. It is the extra … Continue reading