Oh knives

I used to have a set of chef’s knives in various sizes, plus a knife sharpener. They fit neatly in a knife block, and looked great on my counter.

Then I got a roommate who only had two santoku knives, a small one and a large one. A santoku is a Japanese-style kitchen knife with a distinctive blade shape and a great ergonomic handle. They are terrific for chopping and slicing. I soon noticed that I used those two knives about 99% of the time over the knives in my own set.

The knife I’m a fan of looks like a hybrid of a squared butcher knife and a regular chef’s knife.
The knife I’m a fan of looks like a hybrid of a squared butcher knife and a regular chef’s knife.

I became such a fan that I raved about santoku knives to parents of recent college-grad children setting up a first adult apartment. I recommended engaged friends list two santoku knives on their registry instead of the 10-piece set and upscale knife block they were considering.

Knife sets can be a good value, but the extra tools aren’t worth counter space if you won’t use them. If you’re shopping, consider buying fewer, higher-quality blades. If you already have an under-utilized knife block, think about shedding unused extras and storing most-used knives in a drawer or on a magnetic knife strip.

The next time I set up my kitchen, I know I won’t save space for a knife block on the counter.

Soloff Space Solutions wishes all my clients a happy fall season, and a sweet new year to those celebrating.

4 thoughts on “Oh knives

  1. I tend to use all of my knives in the block since I am an avid cook and like to use specific tools. So I can’t say having two knives is better than a block of them. What makes knives work best if they are sharp and ready to go. Dull knives will never be used.

    The custom to gift only one knife is considered taboo. See link below. I only needed one knife but didn’t feel comfortable putting it on the registry. For some people, it may not be a big deal. I’d keep in mind in gifting.

    Check it out here: http://www.thekitchn.com/are-you-too-superstitious-to-gift-knives-198037

    • Rachel,
      I agree with you, dull knives don’t get used and often take up more space than necessary, so you may as well as shed those.
      I learned something new. Thank you for your input and for sharing the link.

  2. What a timely idea for us! We’re re-organizing our kitchen, thanks in no small part to your great organizational skills and ideas, and we have a knife block that can be replaced by an existing knife drawer gadget, so there you are! A very happy client!

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