Happy pantry and fridge

Spring is one of my favorite seasons, with flowers popping up and leaves appearing on trees. I like spring cleaning, putting heavier clothes in storage and bringing out a lighter wardrobe, and putting away winter coats and heavy blankets. Ok, maybe I don’t exactly like doing those things, but I love having done them. It’s freeing to feel lighter!


For my family, spring also means cleaning the fridge​​ and pantry for Passover. In addition to putting aside breads and pastas as part of our holiday preparations, we clean out our fridges/freezers and pantries, get rid of expired products, and scrub.


Whether or not Passover is part of your family tradition, there are great benefits to including the kitchen in your spring cleaning routine. Prevent waste by bringing forward long-forgotten jars, canned food and condiments from the back of your fridge and pantry so you remember to use them. Clear out expired cans, boxes and jars to make room for new goodies. ​Don’t forget the freezer, too: toss items with freeze burns, and anything that’s been in the freezer for a year.

Consider donating your unwanted goods to a food pantry, as long as they aren’t open and aren’t past their expiration date. Yes, it is ok to trash expired canned and jarred items. Make room for the foods you love and will use now.


S3 wishes people who observe Passover or Easter, or who just enjoy welcoming spring, a wonderful holiday season.