Letting go of stress

December is a pretty busy month for many of us with shopping for holiday gifts, celebrations to attend, plans to travel or visitors to greet. It’s easy in the rush to get overwhelmed, or lose track of the fun parts of the season.


I stopped doing yoga a long time ago but I still think about my teacher’s frequent reminders to breathe. She meant slow breathing in and out. When I’m overwhelmed, I try to pause for a while and take long, deep breaths the way she recommended. I’ve found it helps me to think clearly, release tension before I plow forward with whatever I need to tackle.


If you’re feeling stressed in the middle of holiday prep, try taking a moment to center yourself, whether by breathing or by taking an inventory of what you’ve accomplished and what is left to do. Cheer on your successes, be forgiving of your failures, and be realistic about what you can achieve. When you can, relax and enjoy your time with friends and family. One way to make time for that is to be bold about asking for help when you need it. I’ve found that people are often happy to help when asked, whether or not they’ve offered to lend a hand. If someone does offer to help you out with holiday tasks, definitely take them up on it!


The same guidelines hold true for fighting with clutter, especially if that is part of a New Year’s resolution. As you approach 2013, take note of what systems worked for you and which have not, celebrate the achievements, and don’t waste too much time feeling bad about any clutter that remains.


Clutter doesn’t clear itself, and staying ahead takes times and effort. Yet it can be done to help you maintain control and simplify your life. I can help you to get started on accomplishing your clutter-free goals, or race you to the finish line.


Wishing everyone wonderful holiday seasons.