Recycling plastic bottle caps

Earth Day took place a few days ago, on April 22nd. Though there are many big ways to look after the earth and our environment, small actions also make a difference. I was very excited to learn from a professional organizer colleague recently about a new opportunity to recycle bottle caps. I’m pleased to share the tip with you.


Aveda recycles the caps for use in new cases for make-up products. I thought, how cool to not have to keep throwing the caps away. Many plastic recyclers won’t take the caps because they can get stuck in the recycling machines and cause damage.


I walked into an Aveda salon in my neighborhood and asked a stylist if she accepted bottle caps, and the answer was yes. To learn more about the program, click on Caps with Aveda on the right side of the page.


To find an Aveda by you,


I do recommend calling ahead to make sure the chosen salon participates in collecting the caps.


Happy Earth Day!


Thanks to my savvy fellow professional organizer colleague Sandy R. for this recycling tip.

4 thoughts on “Recycling plastic bottle caps

  1. A very cool idea! Another possibility before taking them to Aveda, if you are friends with a pre-school or kindergarten teacher, ask them if they’s like soda bottle caps to use for planting seeds. Evidently they are deep enough and can be lined up on a tray or baking pan and put in the sun till the seeds sprout. Styrofoam egg cartons are also good for this.

  2. I had no idea that we aren’t supposes to throw the caps in the bin! Thanks for educating me 🙂

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