Little things can make a difference

It can seem overwhelming to constantly organize or clean up, but there are little tricks that can help keep disorder at bay with minimal effort.


Most of my clients have spare hangers in their clothes closets. Some have had way more hangers than clothes! Most dry cleaners, if not all, are happy to take back wire dry-cleaner hangers to reuse – if yours doesn’t already have a drop box for them; it’s still worth asking whether they accept old hangers. If you keep a bag of soiled clothes to take to the cleaners, store your extra hangers in the same place so you’ll remember to bring them with you when you take your garments to be cleaned. This is a great way to create instant space in your closet and keep unwanted hangers out of landfill.


Mail is a big part of paper clutter for a lot of people. Store your shredder and paper recycling bin right where you sort your mail to help keep your paper pile small. Having the shredder and bin on the spot lets you destroy or recycle junk mail as soon as you get it, before it can pile up or get mixed with bills and other important mail.


If you receive more catalogs than you care to read through, consider getting your name removed from catalog mailing lists. You can always browse your favorite retailers’ goods online. Getting your name off junk mail and catalog lists helps save trees! Here’s a one-stop website from to help minimize the amount of your junk mail. I can help you set this up as well.


Note to Chicago folks: I’ll be coming in town in February. Send an email to [email protected] if you’d like to make an appointment. I’m also setting up a Chicago mailing list to let people know my availability for future visits. Let me know if you would like to be on this mailing list as well.