Looking up

Left photo in a storage closet with stuff thrown in. One the right is aftermath with all items having a home and maximized the top shelf space to ceiling and still see everything
no additional installation was needed to maximize storage space

A common overlooked storage space is the top of vertical spaces especially hallway, bedroom and linen closets, garages, book shelves and more. Most of those spaces tend to be open and not tailored to individual needs. Often the space is so high it isn’t visible so it is underutilized.

High open shelves don’t lend themselves to maximum usage. Either objects fall over or if too many things are stacked on top of each other, items on the bottom are hard to retrieve.

There are permanent and temporary solutions to maximize the underutilized space which is ideal to store things such as off-season sport gear, holiday decorations, blankets, etc. Permanent solutions may be installing additional shelving or readjusting shelves. Quick temporary solutions include using milk crates, shoes boxes or even labeled stackable boxes/containers.

underutilized walk-in closet space on the left. The right photo is after Elfa installation and eveyrthing in place from hanging clothes to shoes on rack and shirts on top shelves
Permanent installation, on right photo, was made to a walk-in closet to maximize storage space by adding more shelves


Labeling is important when storage is above eye level. Just throwing items to the top of a closet and not having it organized is a great way to lose money and acquire unnecessary duplicates when an item is needed.

If you dread the idea of looking up or opening closets because of the mess, call an organizer for help.