Oy coupons
Does this ring bells when you get to the store and realize you forgot the coupons? It certainly has happened to me a handful of times until I started storing coupons in the car so … Continue reading
green organizing
Does this ring bells when you get to the store and realize you forgot the coupons? It certainly has happened to me a handful of times until I started storing coupons in the car so … Continue reading
I recently worked with Noelle going through piles of recipes on note cards, scrap paper, and print-outs. She went through every single recipe to determine what she’d realistically make again. Some Noelle never tried and … Continue reading
I learned a lot about ring making from designing to waxing to final touch. Sounds like I took a metalsmithing class? Sadly, no but I got first hand exposure helping Olivia turn her chaotic studio … Continue reading
Baby boomers are often called the sandwich generation because they are taking care of both children and parents. That also means they are likely to have taken their parents’ possessions after the older generation has … Continue reading
Does this sound familiar? A closet is overstuffed with towels and linens or more furniture than space allows, all because items were handed down by family members. Often times there are way more items than … Continue reading
Recently MetLife posted an article via their Life Advice newsletter, The Magic of Tidiness. Included are simple and straightforward benefits of being tidy: You may feel less stress (my emphasis) in a neat home where … Continue reading
Are you ready to file your 2016 income tax? Do you have all the papers together to file yourself or through an accountant? If the answer is no, now is the time to get all … Continue reading
A common overlooked storage space is the top of vertical spaces especially hallway, bedroom and linen closets, garages, book shelves and more. Most of those spaces tend to be open and not tailored to individual … Continue reading
Got beautiful objets d’art you want to show off and nowhere to put them? Or do you have more books than space on a bookcase or two? Consider the top of a bookcase or china … Continue reading
I travel a few times a year and always do carry-on with my luggage, which means I need to keep my favorite hair products and contact solutions in travel-size bottles, size 3.4 oz or less … Continue reading