Switching seasonal gear

Ahhh, spring is here! Before you get all your summer clothes and gear out, this would be a good time to wash your winter coat, hats and gloves or drop them off at the cleaners before putting everything away. Putting your past season garments away clean means they will be ready to put on when the temperature drops in the late fall.

two winter coats thrown on floor with a pair of boots on top.

Same with winter shoes, check if they need to be resoled and take them to the shoe repair shop. Clear out the hallway closet to make room for current season needs such as raincoats and light jackets. If you have space to store winter gear elsewhere, move them. The closet will feel less overstuffed and it will be easier to grab what you need when you need it. This also applies to outdoor sports gear. Clean and repair before swapping out for spring/summer gear.

Enjoy the spring into summer season. If you need help getting this to do list done, call a professional organizer.

©SoloffSpaceSolutions, Chicagoland professional organizer