Crisis under the sink

Crises often happen at the worst time. I was preparing lunch to take with me when I realized the floor by the kitchen sink felt wet. Time was already crunching to go to my next appointment. Yet clearly this was not something that could wait until I returned home in the evening. I opened the cabinet and noticed not a little puddle but a big one. A major leak happened under the sink but I wasn’t seeing where the leak was coming from. AND the pipes had only been replaced a few months prior. Once all the items were out, I cleaned it up. I wasn’t seeing any obvious leaks so I decided the problem was contained and I could deal with it in the evening after my appointments. 

cleaning supplies under the sink along with a bucket to contain loose cleaning items.

A few blogs ago, I wrote about the benefit of containing and keeping only active items under the kitchen sink cabinet. Still the cabinet had to be cleared out to clean up the mess. Items in the cabinet were, thankfully, contained since the last plumbing job which made it easy to clear out quickly. It also helped that it was not full as I only kept active items in it. All the extra supplies, if any, were stored elsewhere.

The under-sink cabinet stayed emptied as I continued to use the sink and the dishwasher ran as usual until I figured out where the leak was coming from. It took a couple of days to figure out that a pipe joint got loose. Once resolved and the floor in the cabinet fully dried, I was finally able to put the items back in place.

Does this story motivate you to tackle your cabinet under the sinks? Think under bathroom sinks as wells. Wouldn’t it be easier to clean out while everything is dry, before there’s a wet problem?  Want help in speeding up this process, call a professional organizer.

©SoloffSpaceSolutions, Chicagoland Professional Organizer