“How Boston’s Winter Made Me a Happier Mom?”

Did I get your attention? Boston’s last winter was so awful that the last of its plowed snow piles didn’t finish melting until a few weeks ago. For one family, ice damage left their roof leaky for three months. The family (with a small kid and a toddler) finally had to relocate to a 400-square-foot hotel room for two weeks straight while their home was being repaired.

They thought they would be cramped and miserable. Instead, two weeks of living their regular lives without most of their possessions helped the parents realize how few things they really needed for themselves and the kids. When they returned home, they reclaimed their space by clearing out items they hadn’t missed during their hotel stay. With fewer things to straighten up, organize and distract themselves with, they now enjoy being together in a more peaceful environment, just as they did when they lived at the hotel. You can read about their experience here.

I can only imagine the family is enjoying the summer so much more since they’ve pared down dramatically.

It is possible for families to live with fewer items. As I can help you get started, you know how to reach me.

Thanks to J for bringing this article to my attention.