Where’s that swimsuit?

Just recently I got an email from Felicia, who had trouble finding a swimsuit. She wrote, “It was with my summer clothes! That was clever…”


I had worked with her months before. Because storage solutions are personalized, I don’t make the same recommendations to every client. I admit that if Felicia had asked me where we put her swimsuits, I might have been in trouble!


It can take a little time to confirm that a storage solution will continue to work for a client long-term. Felicia’s comment made me smile, because it meant the spot we found for her bathing suit still made sense to her. Hopefully, it will continue to seem like a convenient storage spot when she’s ready to put it away again.


What’s the best trick you use to remember where you keep items that you don’t need often, but still want to be able to find?


Side note: These blog stories feature real clients and their organizing solutions. To maintain client privacy, all names have been changed.​

2 thoughts on “Where’s that swimsuit?

  1. As I was unpacking after my move, there were a few items that could be classified as miscellaneous. These things didn’t have a proper place but were important enough to have made the move with me, so I started a little basket I called “Where’s that thang?” Now when I can’t find something I look in the “Where’s that thang?” basket and voila! there it is.

    • Thank you for sharing this tip Beverly! I like the “Where’s that thang?” label you gave to your basket.

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