Free yourself from junk mail

To be paper-free is not a reality for most of us, but cutting back is doable. One of my friends was working at a retreat center this summer and showed me one of their brochures. The thing that caught my attention was a statement under the return address. It said something along the line: “It’s our loss if you toss. Instead, please pass this on to a friend or ask to be removed from our mailing list if no longer interested.” I thought it was brilliant, because so many of us are overwhelmed by mailings we no longer want, if we ever did.

I try to make clear with placing a phone order with a company that I do not want to receive their catalogs, unless I really do. I also uncheck any selection boxes for the company to contact me when ordering online. Once a company has you on its mailing list, it can be hard to get off of it.

One client tried to take action against an overabundance of junk mail, including catalogues she never wanted in the first place. She called the companies to ask to be removed from their mailing lists. But the companies couldn’t or wouldn’t comply because many of the lists were managed by third parties. Even worse, the merchandisers failed to provide contact information so she could contact the mailing companies on her own.

She was so frustrated with her mail problem, and furious that these companies refused to take action. Fortunately, there was a simple way to resolve her dilemma. There’s a terrific organization that set up a website specifically to help deal with this problem. If you’re not familiar with already, check it out.

I helped a few clients register themselves at and they have noticed a big drop in junk mail in their mailboxes. Some keep a few catalogs they’re interested in, or opt to receive mailing online to stay in the loop with organizations that fit their interests

I can help you get started minimizing the amount of unwanted junk mail coming in.

Thanks to Joe T. for sharing this resource.

I wish all my Jewish readers and clients a wonderful sweet new year!