How purging and reorganizing a closet can make you feel 10+lbs lighter

This is one of the best lines I’ve heard from my client recently after we sorted through her closet: “I feel 10 lbs. lighter.”

Zena* loves getting dressed in her walk-in closet until it turns into a chaotic mess. We went through everything, pulling out clothes she didn’t want or no longer wears. They don’t fit her, or she didn’t like the color, felt it was too busy and so forth. No reason to let such items take up valuable space in the closet.

Zena has a few beautiful dresses from Africa that maybe she only wears once or twice a year. Given that, it didn’t make sense to leave all those hanging in her closet. She brought a box to store them in and put on top of the closet instead. It’s labeled so she knows where to find it when a special occasion comes up to wear one of those special dresses.

We moved her gym clothes into her dresser instead of the cabinet shelving in the bathroom as the cabinet space was much bigger and better for storing her bulky sweaters. It was much easier for her to see her gym gear in the drawer and to pull out what she needs for her workout activity.

There were tons of bags of clothes to donate at the end. I could totally see her shoulders relax as she peered in to see the finished space. What she loves is that she can see everything in her closet, nothing was on the floor. She’s now even more excited to get dressed in the closet every morning.

*Name changed to protect client’s privacy

©SoloffSpaceSolutions, Chicagoland Professional Organizer

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