Fine Tuning or Touch Up

People always ask me what my repeat clients need help with especially when I tell them that most of my clients are actually organized. We all need help. It’s similar to working with personal trainer. We can all exercise on our own. But we are work better when we feel some accountability.

three banker boxes plus two smaller boxes on top of a bag and a large stuffed dog on top of a suitcase

Oftentimes I’m more behind the scenes to make sure things set aside to donate, recycle, or toss are actually going into boxes/bags and are moved out. Having an organizer is like having an extra pair of hands while clients are making decisions on what tasks to tackle. That might be sorting papers, clothes in the closet, shelving in the basement, books on the shelf, or stuff stored in the garage etc.

For me, the best feeling is seeing the relieved look on clients’ faces at the end of each session when they know they have crossed off some of their to-do list or they’ve come a step closer to accomplishing organization in their space the way they wanted. 

If you are curious to know more about what I can do to help, feel free to reach out.

One thought on “Fine Tuning or Touch Up

  1. Elesheva, you’re so right about the relief I feel after you’ve spent a day or two in our home. You literally cart things away and everything is cleared, de-cluttered and organized. Since paperwork is my nemesis, I’ll be having you back again, soon, along with sorting through yet more of what I’m willing to let go of. You are truly remarkable in what you do!

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