Wasted space and money

Last month, an online magazine posted “My $10,000 Storage Unit Mistake.” The writer Amy Gutman, talks about how her temporary storage turned long-term unintentionally. After years of keeping the space, and spending thousands of dollars in storage fees, she decided to finally clean it out. The most surprising part for her was that, when she opened the boxes, she wondered why she had bothered keeping such junk in the first place.


Time does go by more quickly than most people expect. My client Eric had two big boxes he had moved with him since grad school, yet never opened. Fast forward five years when Eric called me to help him go through the boxes after he moved in with his partner. While it was nostalgic for him to go through them, he also wondered why he had kept so many things for so long. There were so few items he still wanted to keep that he was able to stash those in one shoe-box, a much easier thing to store than the two big boxes. He got rid of the rest without regrets.


If you have such a storage unit, basement or attic stocked with stuff, contact me. I can help speed up the process of clearing it out, creating more space for the things you need or even saving you money in storage fees.


Side note: These blog stories feature real clients and their organizing solutions. For the purpose of client privacy, all names have been changed.