Visioning space

I hear this statement a lot from friends, family and clients: “I have too much stuff!” They often say it with anguish, yet many people struggle to take steps to deal with the problem. They tell me, “It’s too time-consuming,” and “I don’t know where to start.” Or “I would rather use my free time to play,” and so on. Clutter often seems overwhelming, but as I tell my clients, a great way to fight it is to find something that can help you focus on your end goal.


One of the ways to begin is to pick one room to start, and then create a vision of how you want the room to look. It can be something that inspired you that you’ve seen in a magazine, other people’s homes or traveling, or even that came to you in dream. Tape up pictures or written descriptions of your vision on a wall in the room. Check your vision guide as you go through all of the stuff in that room, and make sure that everything you keep goes with that vision. Anything that does not fit into the vision should be given away or tossed. If you’re still torn about what to do with some items, then ask yourself these questions: Do you need it? Would you really miss it if it’s gone?


I am only a phone call or email away if you would like help creating a vision that brings together the look and feel you want for your space with your lifestyle and storage needs. And, as always, I am happy to help you turn the vision you already have into a beautiful reality.